but i have light as the sun eyebrows and i was wondering if there's something for them too?!!
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
I don't think it's a great idea, simply because most blondes' coloring makes them look sickly when they dye their hair. If you want your eyes to pop out, invest in some good eye makeup, and learn how to do subtle shading etc... with eyeliner and shadow. I have very bright blue eyes, and I've found that brown eyeliner and eyeshadow that has a lot of depth, usually in the browns and pinks, are really effective. Also, get some dark brown mascara. Black looks a little garish on blondes unless it's for a fancy evening, but dark brown will really make your eyes pop out without making it obvious that that is what you're going for. Above all, don't let makeup detract from your eyes. Deep purples for eyeshadow are also really effective, and can make any green in your eyes show more. There are some great beauty books (InStyle has some) that you can find at any bookstore that might be worth checking out, since they can teach you some great makeup application tips for exactly what you're looking for. Good luck!
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
die your hair a redish tint or ummm darkish brown
and to make your eyes to really pop out u get an short hair cut
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
Dye your eyebrows to black hair does make blue eyes stand out like Elijah Wood when he played Frodo in the Lord of the Rings he had black hair and his blue eyes really really stood out.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
A black dye job always looks bad, I wouldn't do it!
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
i would keep your hair blonde because a blue eyed blonde is a classic look.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
I would rather bang bill o rieley.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
odnt change a thing
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
DOn'tdo it!My dd has the blonde hair and blue eyes and if you were not meant to be jet black it will look so fake
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
you know what they say about going black (you never go back)! Black is one of the worst colors to go it is proven bad for your health and it is horrible when the roots grow out besides black is so drastic try darkening the shades you have now. and only the professional have the stuff for your eyebrows.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
im not a girl but i think you should keep it or change it blonde
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
Try a light auburn instead. I have ice blue eyes and somewhat light eyebrows, well compared to the black they were light. Although I got a lot of compliments on my eyes with black hair, I got more when my hair was auburn, on both my hair and eyes. If you have a light-warm complexion you can do auburn. This way the light auburn isn't so harsh on your skin and brows so they won't disappear as easily.
Nelle...Black is not bad for your health. Where on earth did you hear that from?! Because I'm still alive...and healthy.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
Do not dye your hair black because it will make your skin look very pale and if you do not like it you will have to go for a corrective color, that means bleaching the black out and putting a toner over that. Bleaching is the only way to get dyed black hair back to a lighter color.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
Black will make your eyes look absolutely stunning. For your eyebrows, I would suggest just leaving them the way that they are because once you dye them, they grow back in and you don't want Cruella DeVille eyebrows- not pretty.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
As a hairstylist i would tell you to stay away from the black! yes u have blue eyes, but going Black will just make you look washed out and sick! your skin tone is to light! if you want to compliment ur blue eyes, then might i suggest some warm colors, maybe a red brown color or even some warm mocha colors, but u know what they say once u go black u cant go back! Black is very hard to get rid of! trust me on this one, and as for the eyebrows just leave them if u stick to warm browns they will blend in fine!but if u insist on coloring them then put some color on them when ur done applying to your hair, they tell you not to but alot of my clients insist on it, just becareful when ur doing them u have to be very neat about it! or ur gonna have big color stains on ur face! LOL! Good Luck!
P.S. if u insist on doing this please see a professional!
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
Why are you going to follow what others say? Did ya ever think they're telling you that to make you look like crap? Theres a reason we have the hair color we do, its natural and looks the way it should. I have dark brown, near black hair w. black brows. If I were to go blonde, I'd look so goofy! Consider carefully before doing such a drastic change! Good Luck!
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
You can get your eyebrows died talk to your hairdresser!!!
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
that's drastic. i like the way you look now. its your choice but, if you do die the eye brows too. use a q-tip and close one eye while applying. blue eyes look good with your own color as well.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
Don't do it, if that is you in the pic your skin is waaay to pale for black hair, also since you are already blonde the black color will not hold and will fade out very quickly leaving your hair a very strange color.
If you really want a change go with a brown, it will still fade some but won't look as bad.
As far as your eyebrows I wouldn't do a "color" on them, if you darken your hair buy an eyebrown pencil slightly lighter than your hair color and darken them that way.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
Go to your salon and they can dye your eyebrows to fit your hair colour.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
Don't listen to them! Dye it a bit darker but not black. Black isn't even a natural hair color... my friend dyed her hair black and it made her look funny. Light Brown or just Brown would look really hot.
Many people told me to change my hair color to black because my eyes will pop out more because they so blue!!?
Leave your hair it's natural blonde. If you dye your hair black, then you have the maintenance nightmare of having to dye your brows every few weeks. Who needs that?
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