Thursday, November 26, 2009

I want to dye my hair...white?

I really love the colors of this girls hair:

my hair is like a darkish brown though, and I would have to bleach it. I don't know how she got it so nice and smooth, I mean it is so purely white!

I was talking to some people on the bus about dying my whole head of hair a cool color and one of the girls said white hair looks so cool, then I remembered seeing this picture! So would I have to like bleach and bleach AND bleach my hair in order for it to look like that, I don't want it to fall out...


I want to dye my hair...white?

that would look so sick! my hair is brown and i bleached it waited a bit then i dyed it white and i looked so sick! I also put red in it instead of blue.

I want to dye my hair...white?

Be careful though,u don wan to end up looking like an albino person..find a professional hair stylish to do it for u never DIY.

I want to dye my hair...white?

You could try bleaching your hair to about as light as it could go (perhaps a pale yellow or lighter) and then use Manic Panic white dye.

I want to dye my hair...white?

Usually with people hair that light need blonde hair to begin with!

I dont suggest it, your roots will loook terrible! You will have to always dye it!

Im sure your hair is just fine!

If you want change try adding like 4 small highlights of that color or a bright pink or something! that would be cute

Good luck!

I want to dye my hair...white?

I think that is totally awesome! I wish I could do that but I'm to conservative. I like the way she put a streak of blue so it doesn't look all washed out. you should probably do that to, so you don't look to plain. if you want to go safe go to a salon and show then the picture.

good luck!


I want to dye my hair...white?

You need 40 volume bleach and then sit under the dryer until it comes white.

I want to dye my hair...white?

To get your hair like that it is going to take a lot of patience.

You'll have to slowly start stripping your hair of color, and if yours is dark brown it will probably take up to five or six months.

and Deep condition it about once or twice a week.

I want to dye my hair...white?

I can see what u like bout the hair but please be careful i recenty died my hair black even tho its a diff colur i wanted to kinda go for a emo kinda hairstyle with few red and blonde streaks i now hate it and want to shave it off its damaged and the hairdresser said its virtually impossible for me to go back to natural colour and ive cried bout it last 2 days sorry but please please think carefully

I want to dye my hair...white?

There's a slightly easier way to do this.

Bleach it once for a long time, so that it gets really blonde. And then use a toner/dye by Manic Panic called "Virgin Snow". Works good.

Hope you like your new white hair :)

I want to dye my hair...white?

Artificial hair colors are usually a turn-off for guys, but you can still do it at a PROFESSIONAL SALON if you'd like. : )

Just a heads up.

I want to dye my hair...white?

ok,ive done this before,so i'll help as much as i can.

ull have to bleach with 40 vol,coz thats the strongest there is,bleach it every few days,coz if u bleach it all at once itll go brittle nd yuck,nd u dont want that,believe me!

after about 2 weeks of randomly bleaching,it should be a light yellow,then get a "hair equilizer" wich takes the yellow pigments out of ur hair leaving it white,then go buy a "protein shampoo" nd washh ur hair with it every day for a week,coz ittlll be very de hydrated nd stringy by now,then there u have it,healthy white hair.

btw,it looks rad until the roots start cumin thru....

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